AED Certification: Putting an End to Amateurish First Aid Application

The way a certified AED expert can address a cardiac attack situation will be different from an amateur’s approach. Therefore, to avoid providing amateurish procedures to patients, you should opt for AED Certification. The fact is that a cardiac attack may come on a victim unannounced. Therefore, as a reliable citizen, you can enroll for AED Certification Online to affect lives positively. After all, a lot of benefits come with knowing how to initiate CPR when the need arises. Perhaps, you might have had a nasty encounter in trying to revive a cardiac attack patient. Taking up an AED CPR Certification can allow you to master vital life-saving skills. On this note, here are some of the beneficial highlights of embracing learning through AED Certification.

First Aid training1.Comfort

Your new ability can keep a patient comfortable before the arrival of an ambulance. The fact is that you can act impulsively when a victim comes under a cardiac attack. Therefore, undergoing AED Certification Training can enlighten you on what you need to do at every second. This way, you won’t miss a step in the course of reviving a victim with certified life-saving techniques. Perhaps, the cardiac attack came on a patient in a crowded location. Your AED CPR Certification can allow you to take control of the panic situation. This way, the condition of a cardiac attack victim doesn’t have to become worse.

Also, AED Certification Online doesn’t require you to attend a physical location. The fact is that you can learn at your pace without missing a vital aspect of your classes. As long as you have an internet-connected device, you can have continuous learning at any time of the day. After all, the AED CPR Certification sessions are not time-bound. The fact is that users can always pick up from where they left off without missing vital information.

aed certification2.Job Opening Opportunities

For the sake of safety, compliance is key to the smooth running of an organization. Therefore, in a bid to follow safety regulations, employers are always on the lookout for recruiting the best. Fortunately, AED Certification can improve your chances of securing a post. Perhaps, you have sent in your credentials to companies for job consideration. Your chances of taking up a position are high, compared to when you do not have AED Certification Online.

cpr certificationFinally, you can become a life-saving advocate in your community by volunteering to enroll for the AED application. With your certification, you rest assured of performing this procedure without experiencing a delay. Moreover, you are confident of stabilizing the condition of a cardiac attack patient before help comes eventually. Perhaps, you know little to nothing about CPR application. You shouldn’t hesitate to call in today for more inquiries.

Reasons, Why CPR Training Is Important For a Babysitter

Cardiac diseases are now common and can be seen everywhere in the world. Even, children are not safe from this life threaten issue. One thing is to keep in mind that, children, babies and infants tend to be considered as dependent, active, immature, helpless, highly accident prone and naughty. This is the reason; they need plenty of attention compared to others. As they are young, they don’t know about the dangers around them therefore, they need constant monitoring. Some of them born with cardiac problem and this is the main reason for which as a babysitter, you need to undergo CPR Training.

This emergency procedure is done on patients affected with heart attacks or heart blockages. When the heart stops beating, the body is deprived of the oxygen and that can be very dangerous to the brain. CPR procedure helps to resume the flow of blood and functioning of the brain during emergency conditions till the affected person reaches the hospital. As a babysitter, you must have to undergo this life-saving training in order to save the babies on right time. If you can’t afford the time, there a number of CPR Online Training institutions are available and they can easily meet your needs.

Here are some benefits for the babysitter to get from Online CPR Training.

Needless to mention, babysitter performs a role of caregiver. By becoming a caregiver, you will be responsible for providing care and well being to another person. As a babysitter, you would be responsible for the well being of kids who can’t take care of themselves.

Kids get into trouble quickly even they can’t understand the dangerous environment. In spite of the adults being very careful and alert, they may accidentally drown themselves in water or choke themselves by swallowing something too small or suffocate themselves with a plastic bag or strangle themselves without any notice. Therefore, the babysitter not only needs to be constantly alert but should be also equipped to deal with such accidents. Such type of accidents may potentially cut off the air supply to their little bodies, endangering the heart and brains.

Medical emergencies can’t be predicted. Such type of emergency situations can crop up any time. Therefore, one has to be even more careful when the situation involves kids. Within a couple of seconds, a seemingly harmless situation can become a medical emergency.

Usually, medical assistance takes some time to arrive. Sometimes, adults need medical assistance. Especially during heart attacks or strokes, when the most vital of the body stops functioning, it is important for an experienced and trained person to provide CPR to normalize the blood flow and let the brain comes to normal condition. With children, freak accidents may occur anytime. The babysitter would be the only one present who will be expected to know the exact procedure of CPR.

Helping people when they need is humanity. It may not just in the case of child but for adults too. By taking Online CPR Training, you’ll be equipped with this life-saving technique. Therefore, you’ll be a lifesaver for each and every people you meet in your daily life.

We At CPR Professor provide CPR Classes Online and we have been doing that from five decades. Our training is combined with experts and technicians and they will deliver the accurate training by which, you can easily save precious lives. If you are a babysitter, this training is the boost to your career. This skill in your resume will attract attention from the parents and in this way; it will be a career boost for you.  Enroll yourself with our online CPR classes and bag the benefit.

Key Reasons Why You Should Take Online CPR Training

When you find someone having a cardiac arrest suddenly, keep in mind that their heart stops completely. As a result, they collapse, lose consciousness and stop breathing. It’s quite essential to act at a quick pace. After all, this is what you should do!

Taking CPR training can benefit a cardiac arrest patient instantly. In particular, CPR training is something everyone can greatly benefit from getting and encouraging more number of people to obtain it too. Let’s take a glimpse at a few of the key reasons why you should enroll into a CPR training online class.

Top Reasons to Take CPR Training Online

1. You Might Save Someone You Care – When you find someone collapsing suddenly and requiring CPR, you tend to see it happening to a stranger out in public. However, most cardiac arrests occur in the home- around 85%. That means if you ever find yourself in such situation, someone in need of CPR, it’s more likely to be your friend, or a loved one than a total stranger. Think about it and who won’t love the feeling of confidence that comes with knowing you can save your loved one’s life!

A 60 Second Lesson to Save a Life

2. You’ll Get to Know How to Perform CPR Properly – Most of us have a pretty good idea of how to perform CPR even just from watching your favorite characters doing it on TV. Hence, it’s a much better idea to seek out online CPR training to perform on a cardiac arrest patient immediately. After all, training classes can increase the chances of performing the procedure in a better way, which in turn maximizes the chances of survival of patients.

3. Receiving Training is Convenient, Easy and Affordable – If you’ve hesitated to get CPR training earlier because you think it’s expensive or needs a huge time commitment, you should know that nothing is further from the truth. Even online CPR courses covering additional skills are reasonable enough to fit into the modest budgets. The courses are not time consuming at all and all you need to do is to enjoy learning CPR online in the comfort of your home.

CPR Training Classes‬

What’s more you want, as you don’t even need to sign up for an in-person course at a brick and mortar setting now-a-days! You can receive CPR training and certification online when you take your course with an accredited organization like CPR Professor.

This Skill is Worth Your Time – Learning CPR is a basic skill. Now that you know CPR training can make such a major change in a person’s life, shouldn’t you take the time to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation! When selecting a course, make sure you should enroll an online CPR training at CPR Professor. Our CPR classes are designed for ease of access without compromising content.

Hence, you should join in to CPR training online and discover its benefits on your own! Don’t forget to share your experiences and thoughts in the comment section below!

New 2015 CPR guidelines including first aid updates

International Liaison on Resuscitation releases 2015 CPR guidelines

Medicine and medical technology are constantly improving and making advancements in the world of healthcare. As new information is gathered and understood, changes to practices and standards are updated to ensure the highest quality of care is available. This is true for Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (EEC) as well. The latest guidelines for CPR EEC have just come out from the ILCOR for 2015, the newest guidelines since 2010. CPR guidelines and procedures are updated as needed. Every 5 years major updates are released as more studies and scientific evidence is evaluated.

From Bystanders to Professionals

The new guidelines for 2015 deal with everyone from bystanders to hospital staff. The professionals suggest that bystanders understand when to call emergency services and to give their location. Then, they should put their mobile phones on speaker so they can hear dispatcher instructions while checking for breathing and performing chest compressions of 100-120 times per minute. For those who may be trained in on-site or online CPR, they should do a 30:2 ratio of compressions to breaths.

Dispatchers need to be alert to anyone having generalized, brief seizures, which can be an indicator of cardiac arrest. Dispatchers also need to be able to help bystanders by walking them through checking for breathing and the steps of CPR until help arrives. Another recommendation is that mobile dispatch systems be put in place in communities to improve survival rates. These systems notify rescuers of any potential cardiac arrest issues, giving those in cardiac arrest a better chance of getting chest compressions faster.

Inside the Hospital

On average, 200,000 cardiac arrests happen each year in hospitals alone. To address this issue, the new guidelines suggest integrated systems that include quality improvement and a set framework for resuscitation systems from the community level to the healthcare level.

The guidelines also suggest that in addition to 100-120 compressions per minute, that the compressions go to a depth of 2 inches minimum, but avoid going more than 2.4 inches deep. Managing temperatures can also help avoid brain degradation in patients post-cardiac arrest. Temperatures between 32-36o C need to be maintained for a minimum of 24 hours.

Other guidelines encourage healthcare providers to perform checking for breathing and taking the pulse at the same time so they can begin first chest compressions sooner. For infants, guidelines have been changed to getting oxygen to an infant quicker by starting CPR when they are under a radiant warmer, instead of intubating them as was suggested prior to these new guidelines.

As these updated guidelines are implemented, the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation will determine whether they are improving the chances for saving more lives. As further research comes in, they will again review the standards and make necessary adjustments, continually improving the guidelines to ensure more lives are saved every year.

To get a full look at the New 2015 CPR guidelines please sign up for one of our online cpr safety training courses today. CPR training saves lives!