5 Reasons Why First Aid Certification is a Must

Human bodies are susceptible to illnesses, injuries and trauma. You never know when any injury may happen to us or the people you love or those who are around you. Thus, it’s really good to have some basic knowledge to handle important situations to keep it from going bad to worse or till the medical professional arrives.

Administering first aid to victims during the event of accidents, mishaps and occurrences during school and office hours or in some accidental situations is encouraged. You should know the basics of administering first aid and this knowledge should be gained by getting trained. Therefore, considering First Aid Certification is a must.

Listed below are a few reasons why online first aid certification is important:

1. Increased level of safety –

The main objective of First Aid Training is prevention. It’s better to be safe than to be sorry. Basic knowledge of first aid improves the sense of well-being and safety among people, allowing them to be more alert and safe in the surroundings they dwell in. Proper awareness and desire to be accident free keeps you safe and secure, eliminating the number of accidents and causalities.

First Aid Certification2. Save lives –

If an individual who is trained to give first aid administration happens to see any causality in the respective vicinity, immediate action can be taken and many lives can be saved. While it’s quite natural for most of us to rush to support any injured person, a trained person is more trustworthy, confident and in control of himself and his actions during trauma situations.

3. Relieve pain –

Some injuries need a very simple solution like applying a quick rub or ice pack. Taking a ride to the emergency room isn’t necessary at least not for some time. It can eliminate the pain by doing simple processes and relieve pain temporarily.

4. Make people more secure –

Keep in mind that you can save your own life when required or the people you know or those in trauma during emergency situations. Considering Online First Aid Certification can allow you relax more. The sense of security improves a healthy and confident environment around you where people around you would feel more secure. The presence of such people offers assurance to others in these situations.

5. Prevent the situation from becoming worse –

A property trained person would know how to keep the situation from becoming bad to worse. They will offer temporary treatment that will keep the condition of the victim from deteriorating till the professional help arrives.

First Aid trainingFinal Consideration –

First aid skills promote a healthy, secure and safer environment and instill confidence among people, their families, colleagues and associates. Basic first aid knowledge is important in dealing with trauma situations.

Not just the medical help they offer, but the confidence they exhibit is very useful during casualties. Being properly trained to provide first aid is helpful to oneself and society.

To sign up for Online First Aid Certification Course, please contact CPR Professor today. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.cprprofessor.com/.

Overcome Fears for Performing CPR With Online CPR Certification by CPR Professor

We at CPR Professor firmly believe that when we make someone learn to perform CPR, we take a step forward to make our community a better and safer place. Our CPR Online Certification empowers people to help people in need and serve as the first line rescuers confidently and save lives.

Being in this field for years now we have seen people trained by us saving lives which make us proud! However, there are many situations where we have seen people losing their loved ones due to the lack of CPR. Performing CPR is both physically and emotionally challenging; that is why we understand that Online CPR Certification does not just mean teaching a curriculum. It is much more than that; therefore we put our heart and soul while offering CPR Training. Our trainers commit to providing high-quality training to ensure that our students feel confident that they are equipped with the skills to save a life.

CPR Certification

Still, there are a few reasons that make people scared of performing CPR. Let us find out what those reasons are:

First of all, people get scared of the lawsuit as they have heard various stories of individuals who got sued for hurting a person while performing CPR.

Secondly, we have seen people who are unsure of their skills and hence lack confidence in administering CPR. Therefore, we at CPR Professor make sure that our students gain confidence first by teaching the skills most practically through training videos, images, and texts in our Online CPR Certification Training.

Thirdly, they fear that they might hurt or kill the patient. This is again due to a lack of confidence. But they should understand that is the patient does not have a pulse or has stopped breathing, then he is already dead clinically, and any attempt to resuscitate the patient cannot worsen their condition in any way instead it might make them better!

Online CPR certificationFourthly, people feel they might get affected by any disease that the victim probably has! But for that, they must be aware of the usage of personal protection such as ordering any accessible CPR shield and protective gloves. Also, this way you can remain prepared even for the worst circumstances. But if you do not have your protection equipment with you, then Hands-Only CPR is the better alternative that you can perform!

We at CPR Professor understand these fears of people and hence during our CPR Online Certification courses and training we make sure that we clear all the doubts and concerns of our students so that they can save lives confidently whenever required.

So if you want to go for our CPR Certification Online then call us at 1-866-967-9111 or email us at info@cprprofessor.com

Ways to Select the Best Institution for Having AED Certification

The desire to be AED certified is a respectable want. Not just, it will add to your medical aid learning yet additionally makes you prepared to spare a real existence notwithstanding when it looks unthinkable. There are many such institutes offering such certification but we at CPR Professor stand out to offer you the best of AED Certification that flawlessly suits you and guarantees you ideal esteem.

Credibility of our course

CPR Professor has collaborated with the American Safety Training Institute to offer you excellent CPR Certification courses. Our courses are scalable to accommodate a Fortune 500 company seeking to protect your workforce, a small business interested in providing employees with a quality benefit, or an individual simply wanting to be prepared. We have proudly served many industries offering such CPR Certification Online.

Online CPR

Approval of the certification

Not all CPR/AED affirmation programs are authorized and not very many of them are globally recognized. For every one of you who require AED Certification for having expert capability, joining formally authorize programs are fundamental. Regulatory bodies approve our programs so you can have the best of training when you join our institute for having such certification.

CPR Professor follows the same ECC 2015 guidelines as the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross making our AED Certification nationally recognized and accepted. Our program has been developed to meet and exceed the set requirements. All students are fully protected by CPR Professor’s money back guarantee.

CPR Certification

Complimentary Courses

There are courses, which are offered in mix with the preparation for AED Certification. We as a quality institute offering learning for such certification will enable you to join courses that incorporate at least two subjects of your advantage, so you can carry on your preparation without the need to independently enlist for each course.

Learning from the expert

For your AED Certification class to go well, the teacher must have the passion. Lamentably, numerous educators are not energetic about their instructing. This outcomes in a class that is dreary and exhausting. The educator sets the tone for the whole class and on the off chance that they are not eager to instruct, the understudies will lose their enthusiasm to learn. Our instructors at CPR Professor have the passion to infuse the learning desire in to you so that classes become a place for having correct exchange of knowledge. CPR Professor AED Certification classes have been developed so all participants can easily follow along and comprehend the training material and techniques.

Reasons, Why CPR Training Is Important For a Babysitter

Cardiac diseases are now common and can be seen everywhere in the world. Even, children are not safe from this life threaten issue. One thing is to keep in mind that, children, babies and infants tend to be considered as dependent, active, immature, helpless, highly accident prone and naughty. This is the reason; they need plenty of attention compared to others. As they are young, they don’t know about the dangers around them therefore, they need constant monitoring. Some of them born with cardiac problem and this is the main reason for which as a babysitter, you need to undergo CPR Training.

This emergency procedure is done on patients affected with heart attacks or heart blockages. When the heart stops beating, the body is deprived of the oxygen and that can be very dangerous to the brain. CPR procedure helps to resume the flow of blood and functioning of the brain during emergency conditions till the affected person reaches the hospital. As a babysitter, you must have to undergo this life-saving training in order to save the babies on right time. If you can’t afford the time, there a number of CPR Online Training institutions are available and they can easily meet your needs.

Here are some benefits for the babysitter to get from Online CPR Training.

Needless to mention, babysitter performs a role of caregiver. By becoming a caregiver, you will be responsible for providing care and well being to another person. As a babysitter, you would be responsible for the well being of kids who can’t take care of themselves.

Kids get into trouble quickly even they can’t understand the dangerous environment. In spite of the adults being very careful and alert, they may accidentally drown themselves in water or choke themselves by swallowing something too small or suffocate themselves with a plastic bag or strangle themselves without any notice. Therefore, the babysitter not only needs to be constantly alert but should be also equipped to deal with such accidents. Such type of accidents may potentially cut off the air supply to their little bodies, endangering the heart and brains.

Medical emergencies can’t be predicted. Such type of emergency situations can crop up any time. Therefore, one has to be even more careful when the situation involves kids. Within a couple of seconds, a seemingly harmless situation can become a medical emergency.

Usually, medical assistance takes some time to arrive. Sometimes, adults need medical assistance. Especially during heart attacks or strokes, when the most vital of the body stops functioning, it is important for an experienced and trained person to provide CPR to normalize the blood flow and let the brain comes to normal condition. With children, freak accidents may occur anytime. The babysitter would be the only one present who will be expected to know the exact procedure of CPR.

Helping people when they need is humanity. It may not just in the case of child but for adults too. By taking Online CPR Training, you’ll be equipped with this life-saving technique. Therefore, you’ll be a lifesaver for each and every people you meet in your daily life.

We At CPR Professor provide CPR Classes Online and we have been doing that from five decades. Our training is combined with experts and technicians and they will deliver the accurate training by which, you can easily save precious lives. If you are a babysitter, this training is the boost to your career. This skill in your resume will attract attention from the parents and in this way; it will be a career boost for you.  Enroll yourself with our online CPR classes and bag the benefit.

The Best Way to Obtain AED First Aid Certification

Education has significantly more potential outcomes and achieve today than at any other time. Getting a certification in an extensive variety of fields is presently conceivable while never setting foot in a conventional classroom. We at CPR Professor offer the best means of having AED First Aid Certification.

The continually developing universe of innovation has made various open doors for CPR First Aid Certification to pick up a decent footing in the realm of drug. Learning institutes, on and offline, have been quickly adjusting to take care of the demand for data in the computerized age in a way that is both effectively available by a practical financial alternative for proceeding with First Aid Certification from us.

AED CertificationThe Reasons for Having Training from us

There are various such training institutes claiming to offer aid in having such certifications. We do not just propagate but practice means to offer AED First Aid Certification with convenience, cost-effectiveness and flexibility.


Convenience is conceivably the best driving variable in the ascent in prominence of AED First Aid Certification from us. Numerous understudies are likewise utilized full-time and have issues attempting to discover an equalization that permits them not just an opportunity to go to face to face classes, yet to think about outside of the classroom also. Conventional educational programs are unbending and leave no adaptability for understudies to adjust their examinations to their work routine. Our way of CPR First Aid Certification enables understudies to tailor their examinations to their current calendar.

CPR CertificationCost

Going to any type of training institute is costly. The expense of restorative instruction, specifically, is notable for putting numerous understudies profound into the obligation opening with not a single help to be found. Then again, our AED First Aid Certification are generously more affordable and do not bring about related costs. Our means additionally gives most resources instantly, for nothing, or best-case scenario for a low access cost; unquestionably considerably less expensive than heaps of content and exercise manuals.


Every individual has their own expectation to absorb information and study strategies that are best for them exclusively. Our AED First Aid Certification not just allow uniqueness, they energize it and permits individuals with exceptional examination strategies and timetables to flourish. As opposed to being helpless before your class and teacher to work through each course, our ways of CPR First Aid Certification are individualized.

The Best Decision You Will Ever Make is to Learn and Get AED/CPR Pro Certification

Truly, there are thousands of ways to get your career started to explore the world. But, do you feel it would enough or possible to face certain situations with the suddenly alarming medical emergency? Trust us our short-term AED/CPR Pro Certification programs online will surely add something extra to your professional carrier. Further, it acts as a rewarding thing when you or someone close by is in a medical emergency situation!

Becoming a doctor or a surgeon or a specialist is not possible for everyone. But the good news is that there are several additional ways to make the health-related career without being a medical doctor. We offer several programs and AED Pro Certification is one them. The short-term AED Pro Certification and CPR Pro Certification program will surely help you go along towards a bright career in the health industry. Let us discuss a few reasons why AED Pro Certification is vital!

AED Pro Certification
Peace of Mind

No matter what your reasons for getting AED Pro Certification, it will eventually show you the significant way to save lives and give you a better peace of mind. You must feel proud to be an AED professional when you deal with any emergency happens before you. With our 30-60 minutes online AED/CPR Pro Certification Course, you can prepare yourself and even get master on everything that is needed to perform AED/CPR and other life-saving techniques. You will be confident in order to ease any such emergency situations. Additionally, your family or strangers to your vicinity feel more at ease and calm as you are the person who will give them a peace of mind!

An Essential Starter

Let us say you are very much concerned about the healthcare industry and also want to enter into this field but not sure where to start! If you are not sure what you want than enrolling in our online AED/CPR Pro Certification class might be the best decision to be exposed to the healthcare industry. This will help you to get the essential basics of caring for one’s health in an emergency situation! You will learn the basic skills of breathe monitoring, pulse checking and applying that in practical situations. Furthermore, you can upgrade your professional skills to become a certified emergency medical technician.

CPR Pro Certification
Save Lives to be Special

AED/CPR Pro Certification Course helps in lessening the impact of any emergency issues in any society. Online AED/CPR Pro Certification Course is created with the ultimate goal of saving people’s life when they are in a medically unsafe situation. When you become skilled at AED/CPR, you could one of the special people who have the capability to save a person’s life until the medical team reach. Otherwise, you could be the heroes that make a significant difference in someone’s life and death!

Our Professional AED/CPR Pro Certification Training Course is specifically designed not only for first responders and healthcare industry professionals but also for normal people. This course was developed by accredited, experienced, professionals with vast safety training experience. We follow only the most recent health and safety guidelines that cover all adult, child, and infant techniques. Hope our user-friendly Online AED/CPR Pro Certification Course will surely help people.

The AED Certification Essential For Conducting AED Drill At Schools

It is seen that in most schools Tornado, fire, lockdown and active shooter drills are common. It is forgotten that AED drill can teach the students to be an active participant in saving a life may be in schools and also in the outside world. We offer AED Certification so that the instructors and drill manager can teach in the best possible way to the students about the ways to save a life.

The way to organize such a drill

Having the CPR Certification from us you can be the one who can organize such a drill effectively. You will be having all the required expertise and knowledge that need to be shared so that the students can learn the best possible way to save a life.

Our AED Certification Course can be had easily after you sign up on our secure registration page you will have immediate course access. You can complete the course immediately in one single sitting or multiple sessions if desired. Training material was developed by safety training and medical professionals to be easy to follow and highly educational. As participants, you will learn course material through training videos, images and text. Our goal is for students to walk away from a training course with the confidence to handle an emergency situation. This confidence can be shared by you to the students so that they develop the ability to stand up at the time of emergency.

Our training courses follow the latest AED Certification nationally-recognized training standards. The course can be completed in approximately one hour and is self-paced. You can start and stop the training as needed.

The day of the drill

As you have the AED Certification from us you will know exactly what steps to follow as we would have taught you following the same steps. We at CPR Professor have been in the online safety training industry for years. We have a reputation and stand by it. We are also now backed by the American Safety Training Institute! Customer satisfaction is our number one goal. So, the training that you have from us would enable you to train those young kids, our future generation to know the basic skills to save lives and to have the motivation to stand up at the time of emergency.

Certification course

As you have learned from us during the AED Certification that every minute counts during an emergency and the other aspects like universal precautions, Good Samaritan laws, Compression / hands-only CPR, Recovery positions and about conscious and unconscious choking you can teach those to the kids.

If some of the students become interested to have AED Certification then you can bring them to us to have the best of training and certification. We at CPR Professor would be offering the Certification courses which are taught using the highest safety training standards, and include the most recently published training materials and guidelines.

So, have AED Certification from us and not only make yourself ready to help others at the time of emergency but also our future generation to be such.

Advantages Of Online First Aid Certification Courses

Life is full with uncertainties and it is hard to predict when you are going to meet an accident or any other physical issues. First Aid Certification could be a matter of life or death at times! Maximum people today face various dangers; most of them are unexpected, which could be grievous. For instance, a fun swim can be ended up with accidental drowning. In order to minimize the loss, they have to address quickly. Applying first aid quickly will restrict the effect to go deep. First Aid Certification programs are something those will teach you how to address those issues.

This course teaches you a number of techniques you can put to practice in emergencies. This skill will help you stabilize the victim until, the essential medical help arrives. There are basic and advanced level first aid courses available. If you want to enroll yourself for this course, you can choose the course according to your need.

We are providing basic and advance level First Aid Certification Courses which can be done through online. You may not devote time to attend classes if you are a full-time job holder. Online courses will be done soothing with your time. Here are some benefits for why you should choose Online First Aid Certification Courses.

First Aid Certification•    It gives you flexibility to finish the course at your own speed. You don’t have to miss work.
•    After you have enrolled in this course, download the study materials. We provide study materials online and you can just download them after login with your own account. You don’t have to pay extra for these materials.
•    We don’t need your physical presence while taking this course. No matter whether you are at office or at home, you can read the study materials or video tutorials through internet. It will save time and money.
•    We provide quality study materials based on real life scenarios that will teach you to handle emergency first aid. If you have any doubt on your course, we experts those will assist to you whenever you want.
•    After completion of the course, you have to go through examination. After successfully passing, you will eligible to get your certificate.

These advantages are making Online First Aid Certification popular now these days. This skill will help you in various cases. Never shy away to take an Online First Aid Course because you can save many precious lives.

Learn Handling Life Threatening Situations Boldly with CPR Professor

No one knows when an emergency life-threatening situation may arise! And hence we all need to stay fully prepared for it. And the most common way or say efficient way to handle such critical situations in learning the basic life saving skills like CPR, AED and first aid techniques as well as the skills associated with them. We at CPR Professor understand the importance of a quality CPR course and AED training hence make sure to provide you with the best knowledge and training with the help of our qualified medical professionals.

First Aid Certification

Our CPR first aid certification and AED first aid certification covers all of the necessary information and knowledge starting from introduction to CPR to various types of CPR including adult, child and infant CPR as well as AED certification courses and much more that makes you confident enough during life threatening situations.

The courses that we offer are designed for both the students seeking first time certification as well as the students seeking re certification for CPR renewal. The best part of learning with us is that once you complete your training successfully you will receive a digital certificate via email also you will be receiving individual CPR/AED and first aid wallet-size certification cards that will be mailed directly to you. The certification validity is for 2 years.

Save life of your loved ones as well as strangers in need by learning these life saving skills today with us. Know more by writing us at info@cprprofessor.com.

Get Equipped with CPR Knowledge and Save Lives in Emergencies

What is CPR?

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation also commonly known as CPR is a technique which can save lives during various emergency situations like a sudden cardiac arrest, or drown where breathing starts deteriorating or we can say nearly stops!

Why is it important?

Using this technique one can restart someone’s breathing or heart using manual chest compressions and pushing air through the mouth to the lungs of the person known as mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

Who can perform CPR?

Most of us believe that CPR can only be done by paramedical staffs or trained professionals, but the reality is anyone can perform this technique by learning its basics.

CPR Certification OnlineWhy learn CPR?

You can save lives of your loved one in case of cardiac arrests. According to surveys, 80% of cardiac arrests occur to people when they are at home. Hence, if you learn CPR, you can make your loved ones survive until medical help arrives.

Secondly, learning CPR is easy and you don’t have to be a genius or get into a medical college for learning! You can simply go for Online CPR Certification which saves your time as well as makes you learn efficiently.

Calling 911 as soon as possible in emergency cases like brain strokes is always recommended, but getting the services instantaneously cannot be guaranteed! Hence, if you are equipped with the knowledge of CPR you can save someone’s life by minimizing the damage to the brain!

So get yourself prepared with the knowledge of CPR and feel confident at the time of critical situations and save a life!


CPR Professor in partnership with the American Safety Training Institute provides world-class CPR Certification Online courses with innovative training programs. To know more about the courses and training visit https://www.cprprofessor.com/ today.